《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (January 2017)》
[摘要] China Central Bank Raises Reverse Repo Rate after Long Holiday. Hong Kong to Increase Housing Supply, Seeking Development-conservation Balance. 8 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shenzhen Continued to Fall. The Growth Rate of Resale Price Index Narrowed and Rental Index Decreased MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Declined Continuously with a large margin. Average Property Newly Supplied Declined Both MoM and YoY. Inventory Continued to Edge Down and Clearing Period Prolonged. Both Sales and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Increased MoM and YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Decreased MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
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[摘要] 中国指数研究院报道:根据中国房地产指数系统百城价格指数对100个城市新建住宅的全样本调查数据,2018年7月,全国100个城市(新建)住宅平均价格 为14396元/平方米,环比上涨0.42%,涨幅较上月回落0.06个百分点。从涨跌城市个数看,82个城市环比上涨,13个城市环比下跌,5个城市与上月持平。与上月相比,本月价格环比上涨的城市数量减少9个,其中涨幅在1%以上的城市有28个,较上月减少8个;本月价格环比下跌的城市数量增加6个,环比跌幅均在0.5%以内。同比来看,全国100个城市(新建)住宅均价较去年同期上涨5.38%,涨幅较上月回落0.18个百分点。按中位数计算,全国100个城市(新建)住宅价格中位数为8806元/平方米,环比上涨0.09%,同比上涨9.72%。另外,北京、上海等十大城市(新建)住宅均价为26411元/平方米,环比上涨0.16%,涨幅较上月回落0.11个百分点;同比上涨2.06%,涨幅较上月回落0.09个百分点。
- 时间2018-08-14
- 页数7页
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《CREIS China Residential HPI-100 Monthly(July 2018)》
[摘要] HPI-100 Increased by 0.42% MoM and 6 Basis Points Less Than June. Average New House Price of 10 Major Cities Rose by 0.16% MoM. Average Resale House Price of 10 Major Cites Settled at 39223 RMB/sqm and Increased by 0.57% MoM.
- 时间2018-08-14
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[摘要] 重庆主城区二手住宅价格指数环比八连涨,主城七区二手住宅价格指数四度七区连涨;重庆住宅租赁价格指数环比上涨,主城七区住宅价格指数两区下跌。
- 时间2018-08-13
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[摘要] 2018年7月,重庆城市综合指数环比微跌,下跌0.08%。其中住宅指数环比微涨0.09%,写字楼指数环比微跌0.09%,商铺指数环比下跌0.79%。供求方面,主城区商品房新批准预售面积为288.63万平方米,环比上涨19.83%;成交面积为327.07万平方米,环比上涨14.56%,销供比本月为1.13。
- 时间2018-08-13
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[摘要] 7月,成都住宅指数环比上升0.09%,写字楼指数环比上升0.37%,商铺指数环比上升0.03%。由于住宅指数、写字楼指数及商铺指数均环比上升,致使本月城市综合指数环比上升至1490点,增幅为0.13%。供应方面,本月中心城区及天府新区和高新区成都直管区新增供应面积为256.39万平方米,环比下降31.74%,同比下降4.37%;成交方面,共成交227.98万平方米,环比下降15.87%,同比下降16.74%;商品房销供比为0.89。
- 时间2018-08-06
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[摘要] 7月,成都二手住宅价格指数环比下跌43点,至2908点,跌幅为1.46%,为2016年以来首次连续下跌;同比上涨468点,涨幅为19.18%。本月二手住宅就挂牌均价为16478元/平方米,环比下跌1.46%。
- 时间2018-08-06
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (Jun2018)》
[摘要] Insurance Funds Entered the Long-Term Rental Apartment Market.Beijing Improved the Rent and Purchase Housing Supply System.7 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Beijing Stopped Rising.Both the Average Resale Price Index and Rental Index Increased MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Increased MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Increased MoM.The Average Inventory Continued to Increase and the Clearing Period Extended.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increase YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Increased Largely MoM.
- 时间2018-08-02
- 页数4页
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (January 2018)》
[摘要] Agreed with the Pilot Scheme of Leasing Housing in 11 Cities Such as Guangzhou and Nanjing.10 Cities Such as Chengdu and Nanchang Strengthened the Management of Housing Leasing.7 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shanghai Stopped Rising.Both the Average Resale Price Index and the Rental Index Declined MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Dropped MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Decreased MoM.The Average Inventory Decreased and Clearing Period Shortened.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increased YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Declined MoM.
- 时间2018-08-02
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (February 2018)》
[摘要] Appropriately Relaxing the Homestead and Peasants' Housing Rights.Chongqing Strengthened Supervision to Ensure the Stability of the Real Estate Market.6 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Wuhan Remained Unchanging.Both the Average Resale Price Index and the Rental Index Increased MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Dropped MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Decreased MoM.The Average Inventory Decreased while Clearing Period Extended.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Increased Slightly YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Declined MoM.
- 时间2018-08-02
- 页数4页
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