[摘要] 中国指数研究院报道:根据中国房地产指数系统百城价格指数对100个城市新建住宅的全样本调查数据,2018年9月,全国100个城市(新建)住宅平均价格 为14533元/平方米,环比上涨0.42%,涨幅较上月回落0.11个百分点。从涨跌城市个数看,78个城市环比上涨,18个城市环比下跌,4个城市与上月持平。与上月相比,本月价格环比上涨的城市数量减少12个,其中涨幅在1%以上的城市有29个,较上月减少6个;本月价格环比下跌的城市数量增加12个,其中环比跌幅在0.5%以上的城市有4个。同比来看,全国100个城市(新建)住宅均价较去年同期上涨5.28%,涨幅较上月回落0.06个百分点。按中位数计算,全国100个城市(新建)住宅价格中位数为8863元/平方米,环比上涨0.73%,同比上涨7.87%。另外,北京、上海等十大城市(新建)住宅均价为26535元/平方米,环比上涨0.26%,涨幅较上月扩大0.05个百分点;同比上涨2.09%,涨幅较上月扩大0.03个百分点。
- 时间2018-10-11
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《CREIS China Residential HPI-100 Monthly(September 2018)》
[摘要] HPI-100 Increased by 0.42% MoM and 11 Basis Points Narrowed Than August. Average New House Price of 10 Major Cities Rose by 0.26% MoM. Average Resale House Price of 10 Major Cites Settled at 39172 RMB/sqm and Decreased by 0.27% MoM.
- 时间2018-10-11
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (September 2017)》
[摘要] Supporting Carry out Pilot Projects of Common Property Rights Housing in Beijing and Shanghai.New Housing and Second-hand Housing Should not Be Traded in Two Years in Chongqing.9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shenzhen Continued to Decrease.Both the Average Resale Price Index and Rental Index Decreased MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Stopped Falling MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Continued to rise MoM.The Average Inventory Increased and Clearing Period Extended.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increase YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Rose MoM.
- 时间2018-09-19
- 页数4页
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (December 2017)》
[摘要] Agreed with the Pilot Scheme of Leasing Housing in 11 Cities Such as Guangzhou and Nanjing.10 Cities Such as Chengdu and Nanchang Strengthened the Management of Housing Leasing.7 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shanghai Stopped Rising.Both the Average Resale Price Index and the Rental Index Declined MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Dropped MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Decreased MoM.The Average Inventory Decreased and Clearing Period Shortened.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increased YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Declined MoM.
- 时间2018-09-19
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (November 2017)》
[摘要] The Three Ministries Required Vigorously Develop the Housing Rental Market.Chengdu Strengthened the Risk Prevention and Control Work in the Real Estate Sector.9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Beijing Continued to Decrease.The Average Resale Price Index Rose MoM and the Rental Index Continued to Decrease MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Increased MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Picked up MoM.The Average Inventory Increased and Clearing Period Extended.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increase YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Fell back MoM.
- 时间2018-09-19
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (October 2017)》
[摘要] Conducted Joint Inspection on the Sale Price of Commercial Houses.The Regulation of Real Estate Market was Upgraded in Sanya.6 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shenzhen Continued to Decrease.Both the Average Resale Price Index and Rental Index Continued to Decrease MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Declined MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Dropped MoM.The Average Inventory Decreased and Clearing Period Shortened.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Increased Greatly YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Continued to Increase MoM.
- 时间2018-09-19
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (Aug 2018)》
[摘要] The State Council: Internet Real Estate Registration Would Be Fully Implemented before July 2019.Nanjing Suspended Sales of Commercial Housing to Enterprises and Institutions.Composite Price Indices Increased MoM in 7 Major Cities while Wuhan was Flat MoM.Both the Average Resale Price Index and Rental Index Increased MoM.Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Picked up MoM.Average Property Newly Supplied Continued to Increase MoM.The Average Inventory Continued to Increase and the Clearing Period Shortened.Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increase YoY.Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Continued to Fall MoM.
- 时间2018-09-19
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[摘要] 中国房地产指数系统发布2018年8月十大城市房地产价格指数,具体如下: 十大城市中,七个城市综合指数环比上涨,杭州、成都止涨转跌。环比来看,广州、南京涨幅均在0.4%以上;上海、北京等5个城市涨幅均在0.2%以内;武汉环比持平;杭州、成都跌幅均在0.5%以内。同比来看,十大城市中九个城市综合指数上涨,上涨城市数量与上月持平,深圳继续下跌,跌幅为0.10%,较上月收窄0.19个百分点。 十大城市住宅指数环比全线上涨。环比来看,广州上涨0.44%,涨幅较上月扩大0.31个百分点;深圳、杭州等5个城市涨幅均在0.1%(含)-0.3%之间,其中深圳止跌转涨,涨幅为0.21%;重庆、成都等4个城市涨幅均在0.1%以内。同比来看,十大城市中九个城市住宅指数上涨,上涨城市数量与上月持平,其中广州同比上涨5.43%,涨幅最大。 十大城市中,八个城市二手住宅销售价格指数环比上涨,成都、上海继续下跌。环比来看,重庆上涨1.12%;南京、武汉等7个城涨幅均在0%-1%之间;上海、成都环比跌幅扩大,跌幅分别为0.16%、1.69%。同比来看,十大城市中八个城市二手住宅销售价格指数上涨,上涨城市数量与上月持平,其中成都上涨14.36%,涨幅最大。 十大城市中,八个城市住宅租赁价格指数环比上涨,重庆、天津止涨转跌。环比来看,杭州、南京、上海涨幅均在1%-2%之间,其中杭州涨幅为1.98%;武汉、深圳等5个城市涨幅均在0%-1%之间;重庆、天津止涨转跌,跌幅分别为1.85%、1.87%。同比来看,十大城市中四个城市住宅租赁价格指数上涨,上涨城市数量较上月减少1个,其中深圳上涨3.85%,涨幅最大。
- 时间2018-09-11
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[摘要] 8月,七个城市综合指数环比上涨,杭州、成都止涨转跌。从住宅指数来看,十大城市住宅价格指数全线上涨。供求方面,本月20个代表城市供应环比回升;50个代表城市成交面积同环比均上升;六个代表城市中仅重庆和广州销供比下调;代表城市库存环比上升,出清周期较上月缩短。 8月,受大量限竞房集中入市影响,商品住宅新增供应面积环比回升。南京、武汉、上海等代表城市增幅相对较大,均超三成,其中南京本月商品住宅新增供应增幅达112.93%。成交方面,随着限竞房及共有产权房的入市,部分置业需求有所释放,新建商品住宅成交面积同环比均上升。本月代表城市商品住宅共成交3379万平方米,环比上升6.50%,其中福州、南宁、西安、北京环比增幅均超五成。 预计未来,在房地产调控持续从严从紧基调上,加大监管力度将成为短期调控的重点,实现调控和监管协调联动,从而推动房地产市场平稳健康发展。此外,随着调控政策的深入及房地产长效机制的加快建设,尤其是房地产税相关政策举措的加快推进,使得调控更有针对性。市场方面,随着传统销售旺季的到来,在信贷环境持续趋紧下,房企将面临较大的资金回笼压力,预计后期房企将加快推盘节奏,楼市供应将继续增加,市场供需矛盾亦将有所缓解;在供应量增加、调控力度持续收紧基础上,楼市将呈现“量增价稳”的发展态势。
- 时间2018-09-11
- 页数55页
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《CREIS China Residential HPI-100 Monthly(August 2018)》
[摘要] HPI-100 Increased by 0.53% MoM and 11 Basis Points Widened Than July. Average New House Price of 10 Major Cities Rose by 0.21% MoM . Average Resale House Price of 10 Major Cites Settled at 39276 RMB/sqm and Increased by 0.14% MoM .
- 时间2018-09-11
- 页数3页
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