[摘要] 8月,成都住宅指数环比上涨0.09%,写字楼指数环比下跌1.34%,商铺指数环比下跌0.81%。由于住宅指数增幅不及写字楼指数及商铺指数降幅,致使本月城市综合指数环比下跌至1484点,增幅为0.40%。供应方面,本月中心城区及天府新区和高新区成都直管区新增供应面积为150.97万平方米,环比增长41.12%,同比下降18.37%;成交方面,共成交266.49万平方米,环比下降16.89%,同比下降14.87%;商品房销供比为1.77。
- 时间2018-09-04
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[摘要] 8月,成都二手住宅价格指数环比下跌49点,至2859点,跌幅为1.69%,连续三个月下跌;同比上涨359点,涨幅为14.36%。本月二手住宅挂牌均价为16200元/平方米,环比下跌1.69%。
- 时间2018-09-04
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[摘要] 7月,四个城市综合指数环比上涨,北京继续下跌。从住宅指数来看,七个城市环比上涨,深圳、天津、北京环比止涨转跌。供求方面,本月20个代表城市供应环比下降;50个代表城市成交面积同环比均上升;六个代表城市中半数销供比下调;代表城市库存环比上升,出清周期较上月缩短。 7月,进入传统销售淡季,商品住宅新增供应面积有所减少,环比下降同比上升。深圳、广州等代表城市降幅相对较大,均超四成,其中深圳本月商品住宅新增供应降幅达50.37%。成交方面,受一、二手房价格严重倒挂影响,部分购房者转向新房市场,新建商品住宅成交面积同环比均上升。本月代表城市商品住宅共成交3276万平方米,环比上升0.97%,其中南京、扬州、上海环比增幅均超六成。 预计未来,在“坚决遏制房价上涨”基调下,楼市升级版调控政策将不断出现,进一步健全完善长效机制建设,稳定市场平稳健康发展预期;此外,多个城市将继续加强市场监管力度,推动房地产业向健康良性发展。市场方面,随着多渠道住房供应体系的逐步完善,房地产市场供给将逐渐增加,进一步完善房地产市场平稳健康发展长效机制;在持续收紧的房地产市场调控政策及信贷环境等因素影响下,预计全国楼市总体平稳,其中一线城市房价维稳,二、三线城市受调控政策从紧从严影响,上行压力将有所趋缓。
- 时间2018-08-22
- 页数54页
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (August 2017)》
[摘要] Constructing Rental Housing with Collective Construction Land in 13 Pilot Cities. Hangzhou Will Accelerate the Cultivation and Development of the Housing Rental Market. 9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shenzhen Stopped Rising. The Growth Rate of Both the Resale Price Index and Rental Index Narrowed MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Continued to Fall MoM. Average Property Newly Supplied Picked up MoM. The Average Inventory Continued to fall and Clearing Period Shortened. Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Increased YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Continued to Decline MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
- 页数4页
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (June 2017)》
[摘要] The CBRC Regulated the Registration of Real Estate Mortgage of Financial Institutions. The Record Price of New Home in Zhengzhou Must not be Higher than Last October. 9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shenzhen Stopped Rising. The Growth Rate of Both Resale Price Index and Rental Index Enlarged MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Picked up MoM. Average Property Newly Supplied Increased Greatly MoM. The Average Inventory Increased Lightly and Clearing Period Extended. Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Rise YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Increased Sharply MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (May2017)》
[摘要] The Commercial housing should be Sold within 10 days after Obtaining the Pre-sale Certificate. Foshan Strengthened Housing Purchase Limit: Second-Hand Housing is Included. 9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shenzhen Stopped Falling. The Growth Rate of Resale Price Index Narrowed and Rental Index Enlarged MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Continued to Fall MoM. Average Property Newly Supplied Declined Slightly MoM. The Drop Rate of Average Inventory Expanded and Clearing Period Shortened. Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Rose YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value declined MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (March 2017)》
[摘要] Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Regulated the Agents’ Behavior. Chengdu Government Perfected the Policy on Housing Purchase Restriction. 9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Rose MoM while Shenzhen Continued to Fall. The Growth Rate of Resale Price Index Enlarged and Rental Index Fell Back MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Recovered MoM. Average Property Newly Supplied Grew Sharply MoM. The Average Inventory Continued to Fall and Clearing Period Extended. Both Sales and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increase MoM and YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Recovered MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (February 2017)》
[摘要] Key Economic Targets in 2017. Nanjing Government Announced Price Mechanism Reform Plan (2017 - 2018). 9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Shenzhen Continued to Decline. The Growth Rate of Resale Price Index Expanded and Rental Index Recovered MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Declined for 6 Consecutive Months. Average Property Newly Supplied Continued to Decline Both MoM and YoY. The Drop Rate of Average Inventory Enlarged and Clearing Period Prolonged. Both Sales and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Increased MoM and YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Continued to Decrease MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (July 2018)》
[摘要] State Council Executive Meeting: Making Better Use of Financial and Monetary Policy. Beijing Improved Housing Supply Policy for Excellent Talents. Composite Price Indices Increased MoM in 4 Major Cities while Beijing Continued to Decrease. Both the Average Resale Price Index and Rental Index Increased MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Fell back MoM. Average Property Newly Supplied Fell back MoM. The Average Inventory Continued to Increase and the Clearing Period Shortened. Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increase YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Fell back MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
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《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (July 2017)》
[摘要] The Nine Ministries Selected 12 Cities as the First Pilot Units to Carry out the Housing Lease. Ganzhou in Jiangxi Province Expanded Limits on Housing Purchases. 9 Major Cities’ Composite Price Indices Increased MoM while Nanjing Stopped Rising. The Growth Rate of Resale Price Index Narrowed while Rental Index Enlarged MoM. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Fell MoM. Average Property Newly Supplied Declined MoM. The Average Inventory Fell back and Clearing Period Shortened. Both Sales in Value and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Rise Slightly YoY. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Declined Slightly MoM.
- 时间2018-08-21
- 页数4页
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