CREIS China Property Market Monthly (Dec 2018)

  • 时间2019-01-23
  • 页数4页
  • 下载1129
  • 浏览8550
  • [摘要] MOHURD: the Working Objectives of 2019 Was to Stabilize Land Prices, House Prices and Forecast On December 24, the conference of the MOHURD stressed that housing and urban-rural development work should aim at stabilizing land prices, housing prices and forecast in 2019, so as to promote the steady and healthy development of real estate market. In addition, we should improve the urban housing security system and make up for the shortcomings of rental housing. Composite Price Indices Dropped MoM in 6 Major Cities while Beijing and Tianjin was Flat MoM In December, 6 major cities dropped MoM in composite price indices while Beijing and Tianjin was Flat MoM. Among the 6 major cities dropping MoM, Chengdu dropped the most by 0.60% and Guangzhou followed by 0.46%. The dropping rates of 4 cities such as Shenzhen and Hangzhou were all below 0.30% in which Shanghai dropped the least by 0.03%. On the contrary, Chongqing and Wuhan rose by 0.31% and 0.12% respectively. Beijing and Tianjin was Flat MoM.





