《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (June 2016)》
- 时间2016-07-15
- 页数4页
- 下载1130
- 浏览8523
[摘要] PBOC Report: China to Continue Propelling Financial Reform. Hefei Unveiled New Policies to Rein in Property Market. 10 Major Cities Posted Price Increasing MoM and Hangzhou Topped the List Again. Both Resale Price Indices and Rental Indices Continued to Maintain the Growth Averagely. Average GFA Sold of Residential Property Continued to Fall MoM while Sustained Growth YoY. Property Newly Supplied Increased MoM while Continued to Drop YoY. Inventory Continued to Decline and Clearing Period Extended to 7.2-Month. Sales and GFA Sold of Representative Developers Continued to Increase in June. Both Land Acquired and Land Acquisition in Value Got Doubled Increase Rates YoY.
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