[摘要] 1月,成都住宅指数环比上涨0.09%;写字楼指数环比上涨0.38%;商铺指数环比下跌0.15%;在各类指数的共同作用下,城市综合指数环比上涨至1488点,涨幅为0.07%。供应方面,本月中心城区商品房新增供应面积为309.39万平方米 ,环比下降1.34%,同比上升77.99%;成交方面,共成交成交253.82万平方米,环比下降31.21%,同比上升21.16%;商品房销供比为0.82。
- 时间2019-02-14
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[摘要] 1月,成都二手住宅价格指数环比下跌37点至2674点,跌幅为1.36%,连续8个月下跌;同比下跌130点,跌幅为4.64%。本月二手住宅挂牌均价为15152元/平方米,环比下跌1.36%。
- 时间2019-02-14
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[摘要] 中房指数系统发布2019年1月十大城市房地产价格指数,具体如下: 十大城市中,六个城市综合指数环比上涨,上涨城市数量较上月增加四个,重庆、上海与上月持平。环比来看,杭州、武汉均上涨0.25%;深圳、北京涨幅亦在0.20%(含)以上;广州、成都涨幅在0.10%以内,其中成都涨幅最小,为0.07%;天津、南京分别下跌0.23%和0.05%;重庆、上海与上月持平。同比来看,十大城市综合指数继续全线上涨,广州涨幅依旧最大,为2.39%,较上月收窄0.81个百分点。 十大城市中,七个城市住宅价格指数环比上涨,上涨城市数量与上月持平,广州继续下跌。环比来看,武汉、深圳涨幅均为0.31%;北京、杭州涨幅在0.1%-0.2%之间;重庆、成都、上海涨幅均在0.1%以内,其中上海涨幅最小,为0.06%;广州跌幅最大,为0.28%;南京跌幅最小,为0.06%。同比来看,十大城市住宅价格指数全线上涨,上涨城市数量较上月增加一个,其中重庆涨幅依旧最大,为3.29%,较上月收窄0.29个百分点。
- 时间2019-02-13
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《CREIS China Residential HPI-100 Monthly(January 2019)》
[摘要] HPI-100 Increased Consecutively with A Narrowed Rate MoM. Average New House Price of 10 Major Cities Rose by 0.11% MoM.Average Resale House Price of 10 Major Cites Settled at 38443 RMB/sqm and Decreased by 0.64% MoM.
- 时间2019-02-13
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[摘要] 中指院报道:根据中指百城价格指数对100个城市新建住宅的全样本调查数据,2019年1月,全国100个城市(新建)住宅平均价格 为14710元/平方米,环比上涨0.22%,涨幅较上月收窄0.03个百分点。
- 时间2019-02-01
- 页数7页
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CREIS China Property Market Monthly (Dec 2018)
[摘要] MOHURD: the Working Objectives of 2019 Was to Stabilize Land Prices, House Prices and Forecast On December 24, the conference of the MOHURD stressed that housing and urban-rural development work should aim at stabilizing land prices, housing prices and forecast in 2019, so as to promote the steady and healthy development of real estate market. In addition, we should improve the urban housing security system and make up for the shortcomings of rental housing. Composite Price Indices Dropped MoM in 6 Major Cities while Beijing and Tianjin was Flat MoM In December, 6 major cities dropped MoM in composite price indices while Beijing and Tianjin was Flat MoM. Among the 6 major cities dropping MoM, Chengdu dropped the most by 0.60% and Guangzhou followed by 0.46%. The dropping rates of 4 cities such as Shenzhen and Hangzhou were all below 0.30% in which Shanghai dropped the least by 0.03%. On the contrary, Chongqing and Wuhan rose by 0.31% and 0.12% respectively. Beijing and Tianjin was Flat MoM.
- 时间2019-01-23
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[摘要] 2018年12月,所监测的十个重点城市中六个城市综合指数环比下跌,北京、天津与上月持平。从三大物业指数来看,十大城市住宅指数环比七涨两跌一平;写字楼指数环比两涨八跌;商铺指数环比四涨四跌两平。供求方面, 本月20个代表城市供应环比下降同比上升;50个代表城市成交面积同环比均上升;六个代表城市中,成都、深圳、广州销供比上调;代表城市库存环比上升,出清周期较上月缩短。
- 时间2019-01-11
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CREIS China Property Market Monthly (Oct 2018)
[摘要] In October, 7 major cities rose MoM in composite price indices while Tianjin was flat MoM. Among the 7 major cities rising MoM, the rising rates of 4 cities such as Chengdu and Nanjing were above 0.1% in which Chengdu rose the most by 0.40%. The rising rates of Beijing, Hangzhou and Wuhan were below 0.1% in which Wuhan rose the least by 0.06%. The dropping rates of Shenzhen and Guangzhou were 0.53% and 0.03% respectively and Tianjin was flat.
- 时间2019-01-09
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CREIS China Property Market Monthly (Nov 2018)
[摘要] The State Couil: Government would Improve Land Supply Policy for Old-age Facilities On November 28, Premier Li chaired a State Council executive meeting to draw up a plan for the further development of old-age industry, and pushing the combination of pension and health care so as to improve the quality of the elderly care. The meeting pointed out that the government should vigorously develop home-based community old-age services, implement the allocation of old-age service facilities in newly-built residential areas, and carry out aging-appropriate transform for old residential areas and elderly families included in special hardship support, etc. Composite Price Indices Rose MoM in 6 Major Cities while Shanghai and Beijing Fell back MoM In November, 6 major cities rose MoM in composite price indices while Shanghai and Beijing fell back MoM. Among the 6 major cities rising MoM, Nanjing rose the most by 0.61% and Chengdu followed by 0.20%. The rising rates of 4 cities such as Hangzhou and Tianjin were all below 0.20% in which Shenzhen rose the least by 0.04%. Among the 3 major cities dropping MoM, Guangzhou dropped the most by 0.21% and Shanghai followed by 0.14%. Beijing dropped the lowest by 0.02%. Wuhan was flat MoM.
- 时间2019-01-09
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[摘要] 重庆主城区二手住宅价格指数环比四连跌,主城七区二手住宅价格指数均持续下跌;重庆住宅租赁价格指数环比小幅上涨,主城七区住宅价格指数五升两降。
- 时间2019-01-07
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