《CREIS China Property Market Monthly (May 2014)》
- 时间2014-06-19
- 页数4页
- 下载1128
- 浏览8540
[摘要] China Will Keep Monetary Policy Continuous and Stable; Several Cities Carried out Property Control Policies with Micro Adjustments; Only 2 Cities’ HPI Increased MoM and All Cities Rose with Narrowed Rates YoY; The Number of Price-falling Cities Grew MoM for Resale Price Index; Total Residential Property Sales Increased by 7.67% MoM; Property Newly Supplied Maintained High Growth with an Ascending Rate of 31.43% YoY; Inventory Rose and Clearing Period Prolonged Consecutively; Both Sales of Major Developers and the GFA Sold Increased Slightly MoM; Land Acquired Increased While Land Acquisition Declined in Value with a Narrowed Rate MoM.
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